Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happy Father's Day to Grandfathers!

I would like to greet all grandfathers who had taken the role of father for their grandchildren... Happy Father's Day!

It's been thirteen years since I left our home. It was a decision that I had prayed for a year. Every time I was alone I would talk to God and pour out all the repressed emotions and say, "If this is not the life that's meant for me, please take me out of it." Then one day it happened. 

I did not go home to my parents' house right away. I had to stay with my sister until such time that I was ready to tell my parents about it. My father was in the US, he attended my Lola's funeral. When he came back, he learned about my decision. From that time on, my daughter stayed with my parents while I worked for three years in my husband's hometown which had also become my town for the past eleven years--- maybe hoping for a miracle to happen--- but it did not come. 

Instantly, my father became my daughter's Dad, my mother her Mom, and I was like a sister to her while nursing a broken heart. My daughter became my youngest sister. she was eight, and Papa looked after her like he did to the three of us, his children. She has been lucky enough to have him for a father, who had been and still is, perfect for us. He loves all of us unconditionally. Not to mention how much he loves our mother! 

Now that we are going to celebrate Father's Day this Sunday, I am writing this little tribute to all the grandfathers out there who have sacrificed for their grandchildren. I know my child's fate is not isolated. I know there are many of them, and there are grandfathers like Papa...

What makes it different though, must be the fact that he never spoke ill about my husband. And our family picture still occupies a space in our bedroom in my parents' house. I guess that's how much he loves his granddaughter!


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