Friday, October 19, 2012

Unfriending: Easier Than You Think!

It has been four years since I opened an account on Facebook. Just like the others who are not really techie savvy, I was not so into it, even until 2011. It was only this year that I enjoyed the use of social networking site and I found out how much I have missed when it came to learning. I didn't realize the full meaning of "social networking" early on. Or maybe I was just so incomprehensive. I had wasted three years of not using my account to the max. Thanks to my sisters who challenged me to play Words With Friends, I discovered how useful the net is as I devoted more time on this strange new thing (at least for me).

Now that I am enjoying the benefits of social networking site, joining groups and learning a lot, I surrounded myself with people whom I know will contribute to my personal growth--- artists, particularly writers, culture conservators, historians, tourism and museum managers, inspirational individuals, and a lot more. I looked for  everybody whom I had met or been friends with in the past, my relatives, former classmates, co-workers, practically everyone that I could think of--- until I felt that I had already put my entire life's social connections into one gadget that I can see anytime of the day anywhere I am. How wonderful it is to have all the people you care about in a piece of electronic equipment. Technology has given us a medium where we can no longer be alone with just the click of the mouse.     

But does anybody know what the future holds? Nobody knows, not even those who created the different social networking sites. Therefore, we just have to relish what we have right now and never worry about the uncertain future. Enjoy the friendships, chats, comments, messages, photographs, sharing, everything! Nevertheless, we have to get to know our networks well. Some things that transpire inside this amazing invention keep bothering us long after we have unplugged it. Some people may not be healthy for us. Some realities need to be faced and accepted. At the end of the day, it's still one's heart that will decide who among those facebook friends are real human beings outside the monitor and who should just be classified as friends merely on the screen.  In the long run, even how good you are to people, there are "friends" that you have to block, there are those that you have to unfriend. It is sad but you should be in control. If something makes you feel really bad, you can only be kind to yourself. Stay away from the negative elements. "Friends" who are insencere are not worthy of your time. It's as easy as one, two, three! Only when you have mastered the power to get rid of people who make you suffer will you enjoy the full potential of what the virtual communities offer. The same holds true in real life!   

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